

Pursuant to the PA Public School Code, Pennsylvania public local education agencies (school districts, career and technology centers, charter schools) are required to file an annual financial report (AFR) with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).


AFRs are submitted by local education agencies in October following the end of the fiscal year.  In other words, for the fiscal year that ends on June 30, the completed AFR must be submitted to PDE by the following October. PDE compiles and analyzes the files for approximately six months, and generally posts accepted AFR's online the following April. Thus, by the time the data is released to the public by PDE, it is nearly a year old.


The Annual Financial Report (AFR), as submitted, is a detailed report of district revenue and expenditures for a given fiscal year. The report is prepared according to specifications set by the PDE.  The data presented to the public by PDE is collated in various ways with data from other Pennsylvania school districts and released in various formats as a statewide report, broken down by district. The PDE-released AFR data is in Microsoft Excel format (.xlsx) and can be viewed here on the PDE website (please note that this link takes you to a site outside of the North Pocono website; the North Pocono School District is not responsible for the content of this site). If you wish to view North-Pocono-specific AFR reports as submitted by the school district (so you don't have to sift through the data from the other 500 499 districts, the most recent submissions are linked below. Simply click the link that corresponds to the fiscal year in which you are interested.