Title I
Title I is a federally-funded program that, in the North Pocono School District, provides supplemental reading assistance to eligible students. If a child is eligible to receive Title I services, parents will be notified. For an eligible child to begin receiving supplemental assistance, a parent or guardian must first meet with the child’s Title I teacher and sign a compact. If a parent has received an eligibility notice and has not yet signed a compact, the parent should contact the Title I teacher who sent the eligibility notice to arrange a meeting. Without a signed compact, the district cannot being providing supplemental assistance.
Title I reading assistance is provided as a supplement. It is in addition to classroom instruction and does not interfere with classroom instruction. Students are not removed from their reading class to receive Title I services. During flexible instruction time, students meet with their Title I teacher. During certain classroom activities, their Title I teacher may assist them right in their regular reading classroom. This model has a proven track record, helping many students to reach grade level benchmarks and leave Title I.
Parent Introduction Slide Deck
Parent Advisory Council
The North Pocono Title I Program regularly seeks input from parents in an effort to meet the ever-changing needs of students. A Parent Advisory Council (PAC) has been formed for this purpose. The PAC consists of parents, teachers, and administrators, including the Federal Programs Coordinator. This group meets after school twice annually - once in the fall and once in the spring - to gather input on the Title I Program. Please join us if you can! Parents interested in becoming a member of the PAC should contact Mr. Ian Farr, the Federal Programs Coordinator, at (570) 842-7676 ext. 8101.
Parents often ask if tutoring outside of regular school hours is available. If a parent is interested in tutoring services, please contact the child’s building principal.
Standards and Proficiency Levels
If a parent would like to view the standards a child is expected to meet and the proficiency levels a child is expected to have on the PSSA, you may visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website at https://education.pa.gov. For your convenience, a link to the particular page is provided below.
PDE Performance Level Descriptors and Cut Scores
Available Documents
Below are links to the several documents pertinent to the Title I program.
More Information
If you have any remaining questions, please contact the Federal Programs Coordinator, Mr. Ian Farr, at (570) 842-7676 ext. 8101.