The North Pocono School District participates in the National School Lunch Program, often referred to as the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. This program allows students whose households meet certain requirements to receive free or reduced-price meals. Please review the information below to learn more about the program, to download an application form to return to the school, or to apply online right now. It is free, easy to do, confidential, and helps the whole community. Additional information can be found Here.
Benefits of Participation in the National School Lunch Program
Title I/Basic Education
This federal and state funding is intended to improve achievement in basic skills and core academic areas. Funding may be based on the number of students eligible for free and reduced price meals.
Districts receive discounts on technology, ensuring affordable access to advanced telecommunications services and library purchases, based on the percentage of students eligible for free and reduced price meals.
Grants from Foundations
Foundation funding provides money to improve schools and is largely based on the numbers of students who qualify for free and reduced meals.
School Meals
Students receive healthy, nutritious meals in the school cafeteria. Possibly, this could be the only meal that some students receive during the day.
Student Performance
Students concentrate and perform better in school after consuming nutritious school meals.
High School Students
Students that qualify for free meals receive (a) Fee waivers for SAT Testing (up to 3) which represents $129 in savings, (b) Fee waivers for college entrance fees (up to 4) which represents up to $200 savings, (c) Fee waiver for PSAT Testing, a $14 savings, and (d) Greater eligibility for federal and state aid for college.
Applying for the National School Lunch Program
Breakfast and lunch are available to all students during normal serving times. A child's meal status is confidential and not visible when they check out at the end of the serving line in the cafeteria...our computerized system hides that information.
You can apply for the free and reduced meal program after July 1st for the upcoming school year or any time throughout the school year, but you cannot participate unless you apply.
- Downloading an application to print, complete and send to the school in English or other select languages, or
- Completing the application online right now at SchoolCafe by clicking here, or
- Completing the application while screening for additional state benefits at COMPASS by clicking here.
Please note that the above links take you to sites outside of the North Pocono website; the North Pocono School District is not responsible for the content of these sites.
If you have any questions regarding the program or how to apply, please contact Lori Brink, Business Office Clerk, at (570) 842-7659 ext. 8203. She can help!
Civil Rights
You have civil rights with regard to school food service programs. The North Pocono School District is an equal opportunity provider. To learn more, click here.
ATTENTION: If you speak Spanish, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Contact your child’s school.
ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Comuníquese con la escuela de su niño.