Special Education Plan
A school district's special education plan is an action plan that describes the Board of Education's commitment to ensure that a quality education will be provided to each of its students with a disability eligible for special education over the upcoming three years. The content of the special education plan describes the special education program and services that are provided within a school district and those special education programs and services which are accessed by the school district from outside the school district's geographical boundaries.
Under Pennsylvania Code, Title 22 § 4.13 and §14.104, each school district shall develop, submit to the Department of Education for approval, and implement a special education plan aligned with the strategic plan of the school district. The special education plan shall be developed every 3 years consistent with the 3-year review cycle of the strategic plan of the school district. A special education plan reflects on-going programs and services and incorporates anticipated changes in programming as a result of corrective action generated by the cyclical monitoring and improvement planning and other factors.
To review the current special education of the North Pocono School District, click the link below.