
Quarterly Grades

Grade Posting Guidelines

Procedures regarding quarter grades, in some cases, vary by building.   Where that is true, it is noted below.

  • In all buildings, the maximum percent and the maximum score that a student can earn for the quarter, for a mid-term exam, and for a final exam is 100.00.  While grading systems in the North Pocono School District do allow grades for individual assignments to exceed 100.00 and do allow extra-credit assignments, both of which can result in an average of greater than 100.00 being calculated for a quarter or exam, it is the teacher's responsibility to adjust the quarter/exam percent and score to no more than 100.00.
    • Procedurally, teachers must post both a score and percentage in their grade book for the quarter.  If a teacher uses the POST feature in Infinite Campus, scores and percentages will automatically populate in the respective columns.  When this procedure is complete, teachers must check for scores and percentages over 100% and adjust them to no more than 100.  If teachers have no assignments in the Infinite Campus grade book and just manually enter a quarter grade, the teacher must enter BOTH a score and a percent.  The percentage column may not be left blank or else a final average will not calculate. 
    • When using the POST feature in Infinite Campus, scores and percentages will automatically populate in the respective columns.  When this procedure is complete, a teacher may elect to alter the posted (earned/calculated) score.  If the teacher does so, he/she MUST also change the percentage to match the value of the score.  Once again this is necessary to calculate a final average correctly (because final averages are calculated from the percentage, not the score).
  • In all buildings, a grade of "Incomplete" or "I" is calculated into a student's average as a zero (0).  There are a variety of situations that can lead to a grade of "Incomplete," but the grade itself is a placeholder and should be ultimately (and certainly before final averages are calculated) replaced with a permanent grade (whether a number, letter, or excused grade).  The building principal has the ultimate say on when a grade of "Incomplete" must be replaced with a different grade.
  • Minimum scores/percents that can be posted for a quarter vary by building.
    • In the high school, teachers may not post a quarter score or percent lower than 50.00, without the building principal's approval.
    • In the middle school, teachers may not post a quarter score or percent lower than 50.00 without the building principal's approval. 
    • In the intermediate and elementary schools, teachers may not post a quarter score or percent lower than 60.00 without the building principal's approval. 

Submission Timeline

  • Grade submission window for teachers will open at 9:00 am three full school days prior to the last day of the quarter (for example, if the quarter ended on Tuesday the 10th of the month, it would be open on Thursday the 5th of the month at 9:00 am)
  • Grade submission window for teachers will close at 9:00 am on the morning after the teachers have had three nights to complete grades, weekends and holidays excluded (for example, if the quarter ended on Thursday, the 21st of the month, teachers would have Thursday night, Friday night, and Monday night to complete grades, with grades due at 9:00 am on Tuesday, the 26th of the month)
  • Once the grading window closes, the office staff will prepare reports of missing grades, out-of-range grades, and mismatched grade/percentages.  These will be distributed to teachers by 9:00 am the school day after the grading window closes.
  • From 9:00 am the day after the grading window closes until 9:00 am the next day, the corrections window will open. The window will not re-open after this time.  Any corrections to be made after this time will have to be done by office staff designated by the building principal.
  • At any time between the end of the correction grading window and the release of report cards, principals may elect to distribute "rough draft" report cards for review by faculty
  • On the Friday after the correction window closes, report cards will be sent home.

Example calendar:

  • Grading window opens Friday, November 30 at 9:00 am
  • Quarter ends Wednesday, December 5.
  • Grading window closes, Monday, December 10 at 9:00 am
  • Office reports of problem grades distributed to teachers by Tuesday, December 11 at 9:00 am
  • Correction window opens on Tuesday, December 11 at 9:00 am
  • Correction window closes on Wednesday, December 12 at 9:00 am
  • (Optional) Draft report cards distributed to faculty for review.
  • Report cards sent home on Friday, December 14.

Trailing Grades

Rarely and under extraordinary circumstances, students withdraw from a course part way through a school year and pick up a replacement course for the remainder of the year.  This may be the case when a student transfers into the district in the middle of the school year.  It may occur because a student's educational needs require a course to be taken at a different time during the day or require a course to be taken at a different level of difficulty.

When this situation occurs, a decision must be made regarding the quarter grades earned in the course being dropped.  "Trailing" grades refers to the practice of having quarter grades earned in the dropped course becoming part of the final average of the replacement course.  This is done on a case-by-case basis, and the decision regarding whether grades are trailed or not rests solely with the building principal.

As a matter of procedure, if a course is to have grades trailed, the quarter scores and percentages from the dropped course are deleted from the dropped course and entered on the replacement course.